Y9 Health and Social Care – Step Into the NHS Competition
The Y9 Health and Social Care students entered the Step Into the NHS competition. This involved the students researching a chosen career within the NHS and creating a fun and lively job advert which would appeal to students of their age – all our entries were well designed and creative. Unfortunately, our students did not […]
Y9 University of Sheffield Mentoring Celebration
A group of Y9 students were involved in the US in School Mentoring Programme this year. They attended weekly mentoring sessions with trained university students, took part in a campus tour and finished off with an end of year celebration on Wednesday 18th May. University mentors selected their Mentee of the Year (Allegresse) and Runner-up […]
Y9 Rounders Win!
Our Y9 girls travelled to Aston for their first game of the season. They dominated from the start and due to some fantastic batting and accurate fielding, they came away with a convincing 17 – 8 win. It was a lovely evening and they represented themselves and Clifton brilliantly. Well done to: Katelen, Kaideanna, Tia, […]
STEM Workshops
Some of our Y9 and Y10 pupils had a great day last week putting themselves in the shoes of doctors and engineers!
A Slice of school life at Clifton!
Recently we welcomed Y5 and Y6 students from the local primaries to experience a slice of Clifton Community School.
Y9 Canoeing Club
This week was the turn of the Y9 students to take part in the Canoeing club at Ulley after school.
Bon Voyage Clifford
This week we said ‘Goodbye, and Bon Voyage’ to Clifford the bear as he now goes to join the rest of the Bears of Sheffield.