Welcome to
Clifton Community School
Proud to be Clifton.
Welcome from the Headteacher
Clifton Community School is an 11-16 school with 950 pupils on roll. We consider ourselves to be a genuine comprehensive school, catering for students of a wide range of abilities, needs, aspirations and backgrounds. The school is part of the WPT (Wickersley Partnership Trust), a growing family of like-minded secondary and primary schools.
Our vision is to be an outstanding school where all pupils have every opportunity to fulfil their potential; a school where our challenging and diverse curriculum and high quality teaching and learning, alongside our supportive pastoral care will secure achievement and success for all.
Latest News

CCS Mock Interviews
On Thursday 30th January, Clifton students took part in the annual Mock Interview event. Many students came to the interviews

Y9/10 Lyceum Theatre Trip
On Wednesday 29th January, Y9 and Y10 Dance students visited the Sheffield Lyceum Theatre, to watch Chicago the Musical, starring

Inter Faith Week at CCS
At Clifton, we recently celebrated Inter Faith Week, as a Trust and as a school, we recognise the importance of

Holocaust Memorial at Clifton Park
CCS was invited by Rotherham Council to take part in the Holocaust Memorial servicebeing held at Clifton Park, we were

Y9 Drama Trip!
Recently, Y9 Drama students visited Leeds Playhouse to see the critically acclaimed production of ‘The Lion, the Witch and the

Y8 Gurdwara Trip
As part of their RE curriculum, Y8 students had the opportunity to visit a local Gurdwara in Sheffield. Students were