Welcome to
Clifton Community School
Proud to be Clifton.
Welcome from the Headteacher
Clifton Community School is an 11-16 school with 950 pupils on roll. We consider ourselves to be a genuine comprehensive school, catering for students of a wide range of abilities, needs, aspirations and backgrounds. The school is part of the WPT (Wickersley Partnership Trust), a growing family of like-minded secondary and primary schools.
Our vision is to be an outstanding school where all pupils have every opportunity to fulfil their potential; a school where our challenging and diverse curriculum and high quality teaching and learning, alongside our supportive pastoral care will secure achievement and success for all.
Latest News

Futbolingo Webinar
On Wednesday 12th March, Y9 students at CCS joined a Futbolingo webinar, which explained the link between football as an

Knife Crime Workshop
At Clifton, we make it a priority to keep our students safe, we therefore felt it was important to educate

Clifton Kindness initiative
At the start of term, we launched our Kindness Initiative, where students receive a golden ticket for displaying any act

World Book Day 2025
On Thursday 6th March, staff and students at CCS celebrated World Book Day. The staff in each department wore costumes

Y7 Awards Assembly
On Friday 14th February, we held our Y7 Awards Assembly. We had a huge number of winners, all celebrating successes

100 Club at CCS
On Wednesday 12th February, we held our 100 Club event for our best attenders. In total, we had over 440