“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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Quality Quizzers Competition

Quality Quizzers is a year group competition based on how many 100% pass rate quizzes each class completes.
Quiz scores are checked and a league table for Y7 and Y8AR classes are updated with new positions every Monday – class teachers then share this in lessons to encourage more ‘quality’ reading and quizzing within their groups.
To encourage more ownership and participation, each class was asked to come up with a team name. Instead of the usual sets like ‘7En1’, we’ve now got a few more very creative and apt names like Story Superstars, The Cliffhangers, and The Page Turners!
The final scores have been checked and the two winning teams for this half term are the Story Superstars (7En4, Miss Grundy) and the Library Legends (8En6, Mr Tingle) with each winning team receiving a big tub of chocolates to share.

Y7 Awards Assembly

On Friday 14th February, we held our Y7 Awards Assembly. We had a huge number of winners, all celebrating successes both in and out of

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