“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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Y7 Team Skills

Last week we took 22 of our Y7 boys to play Football on the Astroturf at TRC against Oakwood.

We split into 3 teams of 7 a side and played for an hour. There was no emphasis on results, just allowing the students to enjoy themselves and work on team skills. It was a nice reward for players from both schools and a great way to finish our term of Football. It was also great to see some players who have not played before, experiencing what Sport at Clifton is all about.

Everybody had a really nice evening and the PE and Clifton way was in evidence throughout.


World Book Day 2025

On Thursday 6th March, staff and students at CCS celebrated World Book Day. The staff in each department wore costumes and decorated the school with

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