Attendance and Punctuality
It is a fact that if attendance drops below 95%, achievement can be affected by one grade.
The Attendance Team

Kate Thomson

Lauren Oxspring

Howard Marriott
Attendance on a school day is compulsory. If you are not in school then you must have a justifiable reason for absence. Parents/Carers should inform the school absence team on 01709 538333 for the first day of absence via telephone and every day there after.
If your child is going to be absent for an appointment, we would ask that proof of the appointment is brought into school well in advance (whenever possible). However, we would prefer that all appointments are made outside of the child’s timetable.
Parents are requested not to arrange family holidays during term time. Requests for leave of absence should be submitted to the attendance office via reception or email . A leave of absence form is available within school upon request and should be completed well in advance.
Punctuality is an important part of self-discipline and is essential to good time-management.
Always make sure that you are in the appropriate classroom before the second bell rings. All pupils are expected to be in their form room to start the school day at 8:45am, arriving after this time will result in a late mark being issued.
If students arrive late to form tutor time without a valid reason being provided, an appropriate consequence will be put in place.
A 15 minute break-time will be given if a student arrives late to school. Should students fail to attend this break-time detention, then a 30 minute detention afterschool will take place.
If you arrive after the closure of the register it may be recorded as an unauthorized absence. All unexplained absences shall be followed up by staff in the attendance office with a call home.
We value punctuality for a number of reasons: it ensures that lessons start on the most positive footing, it avoids classroom disruption and it minimises wasted time for both pupils and teaching staff. No less importantly, it is an issue that many companies will consider when interviewing candidates for employment or training.
Students who are late 10 minutes a day will lose: | ||||
50 minutes a week | 3 hour 20 minutes a month | 5 hours a half term
This is equivalent to 1 full day. | 10 hours a term
This is equivalent to 3 full days. | 48 hours 45 minutes a school year This is equivalent to over 9 full school days. |

If your child is ill and does need to be off school please contact the attendance office on 01709 538333.
We will need to know:
- Your child’s name.
- Why they are not in school
- When they will be back in school.