Y10 End of Year Awards Ceremony

On Thursday, our week of celebrations for Academic Achievement this school year came to a close with Year 10’s Awards Assembly. Students collected a variety of awards including Subject Awards, 100% Attendance, Students of the Year and more! Again, we’d like to congratulate all students who won an award this year – your hard work […]
Amazing Artists in Year 7

Some amazing artwork from Mrs Hammond’s Y7s and Hope Shaw in Art Club who wanted to have a go at a parrot also! We are looking forward to seeing how your skills grow next school year!
Y7 End of Year Awards Ceremony

This week has seen us hold our Annual End of Year Awards Assemblies for Years 7-10 to celebrate their academic success and achievements for this school year. Year 7’s celebration was on Tuesday and awards were given out for Subjects, Curriculum Support, Outstanding Effort, plus many more! A huge well done to all Y7 students who […]
Y8 End of Year Awards Ceremony

On Monday, it was Y8’s turn for their End of Year Awards Assembly. This was a fantastic celebration of all of their academic success and achievements from the past year. Students collected a variety of awards including Subject Awards, 100% Attendance, Students of the Year and more! Again, we’d like to congratulate all students who […]
Y9 End of Year Awards Ceremony

Last Friday, Year 9 kicked off our end of year awards celebrations with their awards assembly. Parents were invited along to the event which showcased a variety of different awards, including 100% Attendance, Subject Awards, First Aider of the Year, plus more. We would like to say a massive congratulations to every student who won […]
WPT’s Careers Education

Over the last academic year, our students have been given various opportunities to explore different career options and routes. This comes as part of our mission to send all of our young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it. The students have taken part in: Monthly careers […]
Careers Panel at Clifton

This week we welcomed a careers panel of representatives from large businesses who are based in the local area. We welcomed representatives from AMRC Nuclear, Utilita and Trelleborg. It was also great to welcome back ex-Clifton student, Louis Waterhouse among the panel and great to see him doing so well in his current role at Trelleborg. The […]
Y11 Leavers Assembly

At the end of last month, our Year 11 students had their final school day at Clifton. We celebrated their 5 years at at our school with a leavers assembly where they received their year books, signed shirts and said lots of fond farewells. All the staff at Clifton would like to wish Year 11 […]
WPT First Aid Training

Over this academic year, staff, parents and all of our students took part in First Aid training. The courses were delivered by First Aid Schools and equipped them with the skills and knowledge to handle certain incidents and injuries they may come across. Every secondary school student experienced First Aid in their Science, DT, Food […]
A Final Goodbye to Y11 – Prom 2023

This week we said one final goodbye to our Year 11 students at Prom. ???????? We had a fabulous evening at Hellaby Hall Hotel and it was wonderful to see so many students and staff there. We celebrated with drinks on arrival, a sit down meal, a wide array of awards to celebrate the finer […]