WPT Peripatetic Music Lessons

Over the last academic year, WPT has introduced an innovative addition to the music curriculum. As part of the delivery of music to all Y7-9s across the Trust, students now access fortnightly instrumental tuition in small groups. This is offered on guitars, drums, keyboards and voice, and we have a team of peripatetic teachers working […]
Money Matters

Students from across our WPT secondary schools have undertaken their ‘Money Matters’ curriculum this year. Here’s a roundup of what each year group has been getting up to in these lessons: Year 7 So far this year, students in Year 7 have studied a range of Money Matters topics including banking, budgeting and the cost […]
Thank A Teacher Day

Students at Clifton participated in ‘Thank A Teach Day’ this week. They took a moment to write down their messages to recognise staff for their kindness and hard work across the school. Check out the video below with some of the messages! #thankateacherday #kindnessalways https://cliftonschool.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Thank-A-Teacher-Day-2023.mp4
Y10 College Taster Day

Last week we took 114 students to Rotherham college to experience college life. After making their own way there, the current performing arts students treated us to a performance from Six. Our students then took part in two taster sessions each with lunch in the middle. Sessions covered catering, construction, computing, health and social care, electrical […]
Y8/9 Visit Sheffield University

Last week we took a group of Y8 and Y9 students to Sheffield University. It was a anii visit to complete a programme of Higher education activities they have taken part in this year with HEPP. Students took part in a workshop about who Higher Education is for and dispelling myths about HE. They then […]
Kayaking Club at Ulley

On Monday night we reintroduced Ulley Club starting with Y9. Visits to Ulley are always popular and our students took part in some Kayaking and fun in the waves created by the power boat on the lake. They finished off with the now traditional jumping in off the Jetty. It was a very pleasant evening. Next week is the […]
100 Club Event

Our 100% attendees were invited to our exclusive 100 club event in the Quad on the final day of half term. The Ice Cream and Ice Lollies event proved to be very popular, with almost 400 students gaining access by maintaining their attendance across the half term. We were backed by some beautiful weather and […]
Half Term 5 Podcast

Click the link below to watch our podcast for half term 5. Half Term 5 Podcast
Clifton Theatre Trip

On Thursday, 24 students from Years 8, 9 and 10 went to see The Ocean at the End of the Lane at The Lyceum Theatre in Sheffield. The show was fabulous. Our students were outstanding. From start to finish they were engaged and engrossed in the amazing acting, sound, lighting, puppetry, staging and visual effects of […]
CCS Chicago Trip

On Wednesday 17th May, a group of 16 GCSE Music, Dance and Drama students from Clifton visited Rotherham College to watch their production of Chicago. This showcased the talents of the college’s 2nd and 3rd year Musical Theatre and Drama students, and was really impressive! The show was amazing, and was followed by a Q&A with the […]