“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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CCS Chicago Trip

On Wednesday 17th May, a group of 16 GCSE Music, Dance and Drama students from Clifton visited Rotherham College to watch their production of Chicago.
This showcased the talents of the college’s 2nd and 3rd year Musical Theatre and Drama students, and was really impressive!
The show was amazing, and was followed by a Q&A with the cast along with a short dance workshop which the Clifton students really enjoyed.
The students represented themselves and Clifton – and a lot of them seemed encouraged to look into further education in Performing Arts. 

CCS Mock Interviews

On Thursday 30th January, Clifton students took part in the annual Mock Interview event. Many students came to the interviews feeling nervous, and left with

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