Year Group Awards Assemblies

The half term awards assemblies took place again last week for all year groups, recognising and celebrating some amazing achievements! Well done to all of our student winners and congratulations on another brilliant Half Term!
BAE Systems visit Clifton

Last week we welcomed back, for the third year, the team from BAE systems, the RAF and Royal Navy who delivered their STEM presentation all about electricity and helped to inspire the next generation of engineers. Students in Y7 and Y8 were treated to a wide range of electrical demonstrations and displays and it was great […]
Clifton 100 Club

On Wednesday 7th February we held our 3rd 100 Club event of the year in the Performance Hall. The students with 100% Attendance were invited for Cookies and Muffins, with Milkshakes also included for our VIP members. We had over 400 Students in total who qualified for the event which was held over both breaks. Y7 […]
Read for Good Readathon

During this half term, Y7 and Y8 students across Wickersley Partnership Trust are taking part in the Read for Good Readathon. Read for Good is a registered charity that started as Readathon in 1984, by asking students to read whatever they wanted in their spare time, and getting their friends and family to sponsor them […]
WPT Dance Newsletter – Issue 1

We are pleased to announce the release our new Trust Dance Newsletter is here! These newsletters will be released every half term and will contain key information on the Dance curriculum. They will also contain information on upcoming events, what the students have studied in the previous term, and special mentions to students have gone […]
PSHE Newsletter – Spring Term 1

The third edition of the Wickersley Partnership Trust PSHE newsletter is here! This edition will cover a range of topics from anti-social behaviour, knife crime, gangs, emotional well-being, vaping and the dangers of it, plus more. Please click the button below if you want to have a read: PSHE Newsletter – Spring Term 1
WPT to Begin Phase One of Solar PV Installation Project with Funding from the North East & Yorkshire Net Zero Hub

As part of our commitment to sustainability, we are excited to begin the installation of solar PV panels across all 13 of our schools. We have secured £100,000 in grant funding from the North East & Yorkshire Net Zero Hub, through the second round of their Energy Project Enabling Fund, to help finance Phase One of the project, […]
Careers in the Curriculum – Art, Music and ICT

At Wickersley Partnership Trust, it is our number one priority to prepare our students for life and there is nothing more important than making sure that students have the knowledge and skills they need in order to play their full role in society and contribute to improving it. That is why we ensure that each subject […]
Year 8 Awards Assembly

Thursday saw the Y8 end of term awards assembly. This was a chance to say well done to students who have achieved so much this school year. Awards ranged from Subject superstars, Form Tutor stars, Gold, Silver and Bronze Data collection awards, along with an Attendance draw and form Attendance and CFP prizes. Well done to Tabarak […]
Clifton 100 Club Event

Thursday saw us host our end of term 100 club event in the Performance hall. Y7 & 8 attended at break one and Y9, 10 & 11 at break 2. We had a tiered reward system with selection boxes for everyone who has hit 100% attendance this half term and an upgrade for those who have […]