Ulley Canoeing Club

The Y8’s had a very pleasant evening in the sunshine up at Ulley tonight. They were able to work on their paddling skills (and naturally their jumping in skills). The students chose from Kayaks, paddle boards, and the new mega paddle board. The students finished with a quick jump in from the jetty to conclude […]
Canoeing Club at Ulley

The Y7’s took to the water on Monday with their return to Ulley. Using a mixture of Open Seat Canoes and Paddle boards, the students were able to develop their paddling skills along with their splashing skills. Everyone in attendance had a pleasant evening. Next week it is the turn of the Y8s.
Y8 Canoeing Club

On Monday 05-07-2021 it was the turn of Year 8 to join the Canoeing club at Ulley Country park. The students had a brilliant time with a mixture of Canoeing, Ball games, and jumping in from the jetty at the end of the session. It was a very pleasant way to spend a Monday evening.
Y7 Canoeing at Ulley

On the first of the new half term, Extra-curricular Sport returned with a bang as students attended Rounders club, Cricket club, and Canoeing at Ulley.