“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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Bronze Pledge Awards

This week we presented the first-ever Bronze Pledge Awards! The Pledges, launched during our last academic year, aim to push our students to become more independent, resilient and determined.

They guide our students to go above and beyond their learning so that they are more able citizens when they finally leave Clifton. We know at Clifton, that now more than ever it is so important for students to take responsibility for their wellbeing and development of life skills and we are so proud of our first groups of students who have achieved all the elements of the bronze award. Congratulations to all the recipients.


CCS Mock Interviews

On Thursday 30th January, Clifton students took part in the annual Mock Interview event. Many students came to the interviews feeling nervous, and left with

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