“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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Old-School Games

This week the students have been enjoying Sports week with the PE Department. Lessons have taken on a different form with teamwork being the theme.

Learners have played some old-school games along with Ultimate Frisby and kickball rounders. Breaktime has seen Cricket bowling challenges and after school, we have seen the Year 8’s at Badminton, the Year 9’s in an exciting girls v boys Rounders game, and the Year 7’s are taking part in an inter form Rounders competition.

It has been brilliant to see pupils learning new skills and most importantly working together with a smile on their faces!


100 Club Event!

On the last Wednesday of term, we held our final 100 Club event of the year! This took place in the Quad with sweet grab

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