“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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Commonwealth Festival

On Friday 10th June, 14 of our Y7 students attended a Commonwealth Festival at Sheffield Hallam Sports Park.

They spent the day participating in a range of Sports and activities that are very different from the “traditional” PE Curriculum. The activities included: Boxing, Circus skills, Skateboarding, Speed Stack, Kin Ball, Ultimate Frisbee, Roundnet, Dance

Along with gaining new experiences and learning new skills, the students focused on their teamwork and resilience skills very much in keeping with the PE and Clifton way. All 14 students were an absolute credit to our school and approached each workshop respectfully and prepared to give everything a go.

School News

Y9 Drama Trip!

Recently, Y9 Drama students visited Leeds Playhouse to see the critically acclaimed production of ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’. The production was an

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