“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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Congratulations, Class of 2022! 🎉

This morning, we welcomed our Y11s back to school to collect and celebrate their GCSE results. 

Although this Year Group have had to navigate their way through some big challenges throughout their time at Clifton, they have gone on to achieve some fantastic results, which is a testament to the hard work and dedication they have put into their studies. 

We’re incredibly proud of all of our Y11 students and wish them the best of luck with whatever the next step is – whether that’s through sixth form, college or an apprenticeship. 

Mrs Leng, Headteacher at Clifton Community School, said: “Clifton students have once again demonstrated what they are capable of and it was lovely seeing so many proud students (and parents) collecting their results earlier today. Huge well done to everyone and remember, as we say in the Clifton Way-  be proud of what you have achieved and keep dreaming big. These results prove that as long as you work hard and give your best you will achieve your potential and more! Well done.” 

Congratulations, Y11!


World Book Day 2025

On Thursday 6th March, staff and students at CCS celebrated World Book Day. The staff in each department wore costumes and decorated the school with

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