“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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Y10 & Y11 Macbeth Theatre Trip

Two coach loads of Clifton students joined staff from The English Dept for an exciting Friday night trip to The Leeds Playhouse to experience a performance of Shakespeare’s Macbeth
The visit, which was fully funded by the Trust, brought the play to life for our Y10 and Y11 students who have been studying the famous tragedy as part of their GCSE English Literature course. 
For many, it was their first experience of live theatre and there were rave reviews on the coach journey home.
All the students who came along were a true credit to the school and memories were made that will last a lifetime.

CCS Mock Interviews

On Thursday 30th January, Clifton students took part in the annual Mock Interview event. Many students came to the interviews feeling nervous, and left with

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