“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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Y9/10 Oxford University Trip

This week, we took a group of Y9 and Y10 students to Oxford University to visit Magdalen College where students had the opportunity to learn more about the University, visit the famous College, and see the even more famous Deer Park. The University welcomed us for lunch in the Great Hall, and then we had a short tour of the city, taking in some of the famous sites like the Bodleian Library and the Bridge of Sighs. Students then took part in an Earth Sciences workshop.  

What a fantastic trip, well done to all students, you represented CCS brilliantly!

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School News

Y9 Science Visitors

This week, Y9 Science students had the opportunity to work with Scientists from the University of Oxford to learn about their work on artificial enzymes,

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