Governing Body
Helen Wetherall
Chair of Governors
Helen has over 35 years’ experience in all phases of education and different public and private sector organisations as leader, manager and as part of DfE commissioned intervention teams. She has undertaken leadership and chief officer roles in a variety of settings including:
- Managing Director of AMF(UK)Ltd – Advisory and consultancy service in support of public and private sector companies associated with education
- Assistant Director Children’s Services – Performance and Improvement, Norfolk
County Council - Assistant Director Children’s Services – Transformation, Leicester City Council
- Director of Property, Leicester City Council
- Heads of Service roles for Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council, Norfolk County Council and Northamptonshire County Council
- Client Director for Place Group, Education Consultancy
- Manager of Excellence in Cities Programme, Doncaster
- Head of Department for Health and Social Care, Chesterfield College.
In addition, Helen has a wide-range of experience of governance including:
- Member of the board of governors, Doncaster College, Chair of the Curriculum and Standards committee
- Member of the governing body, Fir Vale School, Sheffield
- LA nominated governor for Fullhurst Community College, Leicester
- Chair of St Matthews C of E Primary School, Stockport; Chair of Curriculum, Standards and Safeguarding Committee
- Chair of Derby Cathedral School.
Mark Windle
Vice Chair of Governors (Co-opted)
Robyn Parry-McDermott
Co-Opted Governor
Louise Thompson
Staff Governor
Contact the Chair of Governors
To get in touch with the Chair of Governors, please email
What does the Governing Body do?
The work of the Governing Body is carried out for one purpose only: to give the children the best possible start in their school life, by providing the finest in terms of the education they receive. The Governing Body is made up of the Headteacher, and members of the school community and wider Wickersley Partnership Trust where possible.
The Governors work closely with the Headteacher and meet regularly. Decisions are democratic, with all governors being given as much information as possible to aid them in that decision-making process, ensuring lively often lengthy and healthy discussions prior to decision making. Their work is focused around teaching and learning and in ensuring the school is offering the best possible values for its pupils. The position of school governor is a voluntary one, but it demands a high level of commitment, both in time and responsibility, as the decisions made directly affect the children.
The Governors have legal duties, powers and responsibilities, they can only act together, they cannot act as individuals.
Governors are appointed to help:
- Decide what is
- Set standards of
- Agree targets for continual school
- Interview and select
- Monitor and engage with teaching and learning
School Governors can be:
- Parents
- WPT members
- Community
Become a School Governor
Wickersley Partnership Trust encompasses 13 schools across Rotherham and Gainsborough. It exists to further the interests of the young people it serves.
Becoming a School Governor can have a positive impact on the young people in your local community and help to drive school improvement. A Local Governing Body plays an integral role in a school’s success; working together with senior school leadership and guiding their strategic direction.
Why not give back and help give children and young people the best start in life, whilst developing your own skills in a way which can benefit your career. We like to think of it as a win-win situation!