“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”

Christmas Jumper Day!

Clifton was feeling festive on Friday for Christmas Jumper Day. Staff and students wore their best Christmas Jumpers and donated £1 to the Sheffield Children’s Hospital Snowflake Appeal. We raised a total of £223.86

AR Star of the week!

The  AR Star of the week is Liam Harper in Miss Allison’s class, 8En5. Liam is working really hard on his reading at home and showing a great determination to improve.  His quiz results are getting better each time he finishes a book and he is taking ownership of his learning. A true AR Superstar!

English – Superior Students

The nominations for our final Superior Students of the term are in! Our new nominees have really impressed staff with their excellent enthusiasm for English this week, going the extra mile to help out within the classroom, and working exceptionally hard to prepare for their final assessments this term. Congratulations to all of our new […]

Christmas Food Bank

We have been busy collecting donations from staff and students for our local food bank before Christmas. We hope these donations will help our local community this December. A huge thank you to everybody that was able to donate.

SOLD OUT – A Very Clifton Christmas Concert

A Very Clifton Christmas Concert is now sold out! A polite reminder to audience members: Bring your tickets for entry (these must be pre-booked prior to the event and are now sold out) Wear a mask during the evening Taking a lateral flow test before the event is advised Please do not attend if you […]

Maths Superior Students of the Week

Miss Bacon Elisa Musaj Y10 Mrs Liversidge Miroslav Horvath Y10 Kevin Kandrac Y10 Mrs Thompson Bisma Raza Y7 Jenson Dearden Y7 Mr Dolby Nikolas Macko Y9 Connor Davis Y9

Y11 Careers Event

Students in Y11 had a hugely successful day at their annual careers event. They had the opportunity to discuss their Post 16 options with professionals from a wide range of employment sectors and post 16 training providers. All students experienced a mock interview with an employer and attended workshops on different topics such as apprenticeships, […]

AR Star of the Week

This week our AR Star of the Week is Chloe who has shown real dedication and commitment to her reading this week. Despite her class being on Drama rotation and therefore not having their weekly AR library lesson, she has continued to regularly read at home, earning herself another prize and becoming one of our […]


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