Y9 Health and Social Care – Step Into the NHS Competition

The Y9 Health and Social Care students entered the Step Into the NHS competition. This involved the students researching a chosen career within the NHS and creating a fun and lively job advert which would appeal to students of their age – all our entries were well designed and creative. Unfortunately, our students did not […]
Y6 Meet the Tutor

This week, we welcomed Y6 students and their parents to our ‘Meet the Tutor’ event at Clifton. We had a fantastic turnout, over two sittings, as students and their parents got to know their Form Tutor, and found out more about the arrangements ahead of their first day at Clifton later this month. There was […]
Canoeing Club at Ulley

The Y7’s took to the water on Monday with their return to Ulley. Using a mixture of Open Seat Canoes and Paddle boards, the students were able to develop their paddling skills along with their splashing skills. Everyone in attendance had a pleasant evening. Next week it is the turn of the Y8s.
Commonwealth Festival

On Friday 10th June, 14 of our Y7 students attended a Commonwealth Festival at Sheffield Hallam Sports Park. They spent the day participating in a range of Sports and activities that are very different from the “traditional” PE Curriculum. The activities included: Boxing, Circus skills, Skateboarding, Speed Stack, Kin Ball, Ultimate Frisbee, Roundnet, Dance Along […]
Y9 University of Sheffield Mentoring Celebration

A group of Y9 students were involved in the US in School Mentoring Programme this year. They attended weekly mentoring sessions with trained university students, took part in a campus tour and finished off with an end of year celebration on Wednesday 18th May. University mentors selected their Mentee of the Year (Allegresse) and Runner-up […]
Afterschool Dance Club’s Trip to See Lion King

The afterschool dance club went to see Lion King at Bradford Alhambra on 18th May as a reward and inspiration trip. Students were a credit to Clifton and thoroughly enjoyed the performance. They were very surprised to see two Y7 paid performers starring in this West End Musical. There were many questions about careers on […]
Eco Council Grow Plants

Before the half term, our Eco Council members grew some plants in our social areas. They also turned recycled bottles into bird feeders and bug houses for our allotment.
Sporting Updates

On Monday night, we were busy with the reintroduction of Canoeing club at Ulley. It was Y7’s turn, and they had a lot of fun paddling the rafted canoes before taking a dip in the lake at the end of the session. It has tied in really well with Outdoor Education week in the PE […]
Active Citizenship Day – Friday 13th May

In response to national and international situations, events, or disasters, we have introduced an active citizens day. Our curriculum is enriched by a strong ethos based on respect for ourselves and others, equality, and opportunities to develop deep and sustained engagement and give students the capability to think deeply and critically for themselves. We are […]
AR Star of the week

Congratulations to the new AR Star of the Week, Sherefedin Xhoka in Miss Bribbock’s class, 7En4! Sherefedin is making huge progress in his reading lately and his enthusiasm shines through. He has taken four reading quizzes since the beginning of March and has scored 90% or higher in every one of them. The commitment that Sherefedin […]