“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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Ice Lolly 100 Club Event!

On Wednesday 22nd May, we held our Ice Cream and Ice Lolly 100 Club Event. We were really pleased that this event had record numbers of students qualifying. We had 494 students eligible (100% attendance this half term) with 91 (100% attendance all year) VIP members. This is a real positive for our whole school attendance, so a big well done to anybody who qualified. 
The students really enjoyed the event despite the fact that we had to move it inside, as the weather wasn’t very kind to us. Next half term, we have our Alton Towers attendance reward trip, which many of our students are looking forward to! They need to maintain great attendance to qualify, so a big end of year push is required.
Well done everyone!

World Book Day 2025

On Thursday 6th March, staff and students at CCS celebrated World Book Day. The staff in each department wore costumes and decorated the school with

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