Y10 & Y11 Macbeth Theatre Trip

Two coach loads of Clifton students joined staff from The English Dept for an exciting Friday night trip to The Leeds Playhouse to experience a performance of Shakespeare’s Macbeth. The visit, which was fully funded by the Trust, brought the play to life for our Y10 and Y11 students who have been studying the famous tragedy as […]
Clifton Students attend Magna STEM Event

On Wednesday 20th March, we took 52 students to the ‘Get up to Speed with STEM’ event at Magna Science Adventure Centre. This has become an annual event for CCS to help our students broaden their horizons on STEM and introduce them to all the opportunities available in the STEM industry, both locally and nationally. […]
It’s Not Ok Week

It’s Not OK Week 11th – 15th March 2024 This week in school we are focusing on “it’s not ok” linked to e-safety, consent and healthy relationships. Students will be exploring the different topics through the stories of characters who face some of these problems. We are using the excellent resources and advice of the NSPCC. Students […]
Clifton School RE Ambassadors plant peace trees at Clifton Park

On February 22nd 2024 Ms Choudhry and the RE ambassadors at Clifton School were invited by Rotherham Faith Leaders and Green Spaces to join them in support of world peace by planting an Oak Tree at Clifton Park. We arrived at the park and were greeted by Dave Homer who is a retired RE teacher […]
World Book Day 2024

Yesterday was World Book Day 2024 and as part of the celebrations, staff from Clifton brightened up the school with their creative door designs and book character outfits. Students got involved with the annual event by reading for 10 minutes at the start of each lesson. They were also encouraged to read in their spare […]
CCS Hull University Music Department Trip

On Friday 1st March Year 10 GCSE Performing Arts (Music) students and Miss Smales were invited to visit the University of Hull for a studio recording workshop with Dr Matthew Barnard. The students gained an insight into further education in Music, life at university, and had the opportunity to use industry standard recording studios and […]
Year 7 visit the Madina Mosque – A student article by Amina Ali and Sakina Abubakari

The Year 7 students at Clifton were all invited to attend a trip to the Madina Mosque. We all went together on a coach and this was a really exciting day. We entered the mosque through the main entrance and there was a shoe rack where they put their shoes. We took our shoes off […]
IET STEM Faraday Challenge

In January, 36 students from 5 different secondary schools across Rotherham battled it out to be crowned Champions of the IET (STEM) Faraday Challenge. Students from Clifton participated in the challenge, representing the school in this STEM event. By taking part in the IET Faraday Challenge Day, the students received an Industrial Cadets Challenger Award […]
‘The Big Idea’ Careers workshop with The Talent Foundry

On Friday 23rd February, Lee from the Talent Foundry carried out a workshop to around 50 of our Y7 students, in conjunction with Dell Technologies. The Talent Foundry works with multiple well-known employers such as Dell, Network Rail and Siemens to help deliver workshops to students on social mobility, helping them discover their amazing talents and […]
Y11 Mock Interviews

Y11 completed their mock interviews last term, and we had an amazing group of 18 interviewers from local businesses and colleges, including: RNN Group Forged Solutions AMG Chrome RUFC Home Office AMRC Marcegaglia Virgin Money Tilbury Douglas Volkerail Bowmer and Kirkland It was brilliant to see the sense of achievement on the students’ […]